
Welcome friends!
As pastor of St. Paul Church in Ramsey, NJ I would like to welcome you to the online portion of our parish community! Whether you were "surfing the net," happened upon us accidentally, or were looking for our church specifically, I am glad we found one another! It is my hope that our parish website will be helpful to you in your own spiritual journey and relationship to Christ and His Church.
Please take some time to look around- we have designed our website to make it as helpful as possible. We are a large and vibrant parish here in northwestern Bergen County with a terrific staff and many wonderful parishioners who make our prayer life and our ministries possible. We are always most excited to encounter new people in whatever way the Holy Spirit introduces them to us, so welcome again, and if you are already a member of our parish family we look forward to deepening that relationship in the Lord.
While technology is, in many ways, a great gift to all of us, it can never replace the amazing things that happen “where two or three are gathered” in Christ’s name. Please come to visit us: to pray, to laugh, to get to know one another. We are happy to serve you in any way, and look forward to working together to build the Kingdom of God here in our small part of the world.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Parish Office or any of our parish staff. May our good God bless you and those you love!
In the Peace of Jesus and Mary,
Father John D. Gabriel, Pastor
Mass Times
Sunday Mass
Saturday ‣ 5:00 PM
Sunday ‣ 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM (Livestream), 12:00 PM, 5:00 PM
Sunday Spanish Mass ‣ 1:30 PM
Daily Mass
Monday – Friday ‣ 7:30 AM, 12:00 PM
Saturday ‣ 9:00 AM
Every Saturday ‣ 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
Every Monday ‣ 12:30 PM - 9:00 PM