Parish Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is an integral part of the parish community whose purpose is to act in a consultative, advisory role assisting the pastor in forming the parish mission and the programs needed to fulfill that mission. Parish Councils have the responsibility to engage the community and foster activity in the parish; to advise and assist the pastor as he guides the parish community in achieving its mission. The council works to promote unity in diversity – keeping the parish together by enabling people to think, pray, work, and play together.
Specifically, the members:
Prayerfully draw together the whole of the community and discern the movement of the Holy Spirit among the parishioners, to assist in determining the programs and pastoral activities impacting the lives.
Exemplify diversity in action by representing the entire community and all areas and viewpoints of parish life, recognizing the needs of the men and women of all ages, ethnic/cultural backgrounds, clergy, and religious people with differing viewpoints.
Engage the community, and seeking out a dialogue and merging the insights, experiences, expertise, faith, competencies, and gifts of the community in order to provide vision and direction for the community as a whole.
Open their minds and hearts to the Word of God, broadening and challenging the community to look outward and bring Christ’s message of love and understanding to the Catholic community at large.
Enable God’s people avenues to search for, recognize, hone, and use their talents and skills in programs aimed at achieving the parish mission.
To contact our Parish Council, please fill out the form below or email us at

Rev. John Gabriel

Rev. Hermes Diaz-Vargas
Parochial Vicar

Liz Carton
Jean Dietze

Vincent Governara
Finance Council Liason

Ralph Mattiaccio III

Linda Meiman

Guadalupe Osorio

Carol Owens

Monica Palchisaca
Spanish Community Liaison
Dan Quinn

Donna Schifano
Staff Liaison

Mickey Sebes