St. Paul Damascus Fund
Our Mission
To propel our faith community through charity and generosity and to assure our future via strong, consistent financial support and thoughtful stewardship. To deepen our faith and strengthen our ministries by identifying our current and future needs and recognizing that all members must help where they can to make Christ known. The Demascus Fund of St Paul R.C. Church has been established to address the ongoing physical and structural needs of both the current and future Parish community. The Demascus Fund will allow all donors and benefactors a tax-efficient vehicle to support both current needs of St Paul as well as demands of ministerial growth.This new stewardship initiative will provide much needed flexibility to balance ongoing financial obligations of our vibrant Parish needs against the future demands of generations to come.

What charitable giving strategies are right for me?
Annual charitable gifts of appreciated securities
Annual qualified charitable distributions from IRAs
Bequest designations from your Will & Trust
Beneficiary Designations (Legacy Gifting)
Bank Accounts
Brokerage Accounts
Retirement Accounts
Insurance Policies
Donor-Advised Fund succession plans
Charitable Remainder Trusts